Propped up Biden released from the basement to disappoint the nation

Notice the sleight of hand in his language. Biden doesn’t say “vaccinated” anymore. Instead, he says “up to date on their shots.” [which is not true — ED] That’s because Dr. Deborah Birx admitted recently that 50 percent of COVID deaths from Omicron were in those who were vaccinated. With that hanging out there, the White House has to move the goalposts again, so according to them, you aren’t really vaccinated unless you’ve had four shots. It’s pathetic messaging that only causes more confusion, otherwise known as par for the course for this administration.

Biden then decided to take a shot at Donald Trump because the former president lives rent-free in his head.

Biden on how he handled Covid over Trump: "When my predecessor got covid, he had to get helicoptered to Walter Reed Medical Center. He was severely ill... When I got Covid I worked from upstairs of the White House... The difference is vaccinations."

Trump (say his name, Joe) was not “severely ill”, and more importantly, the vaccine that Air Head sys made the difference was not available in October ‘19, when Trump contracted the disease; in fact, the only reason it was available for Joe to benefit was because “his predecessor” mobilized the bio-tech industry to develop and manufacture it in 9 months, an achievement that was roundly predicted would be “impossible” by Democrats and health experts (I’m tired of putting quotes around this bullshit) alike.

There are many reasons to despise Biden, but his lack of class, and his eagerness to lie about anything and everything is certainly among them.