Some mean-spirited citizen should send her a map showing the route to the GHS Student Center

Or the Belle Haven Club; I’m sure they’d meet the same warm welcome at either destination.

Washington D.C.’s “Mayor of Sanctuary City” begs for federal help to deal with the illegal aliens in her streets.

Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is asking the National Guard to mobilize in an effort to deal with the migrants that are being bused to the city from southern states.

The mayor, who has championed accepting migrants entering the country illegally as a human rights issue, requested the DC National Guard be activated indefinitely to assist with what she called a "humanitarian crisis." 

Bowser is asking that the DC Armory be used as a processing center and DC National Guard resources be used to help field migrants as they arrive by bus.

Migrants by the busloads have been sent to the capital by GOP governors Greg Abbott of Texas and Doug Ducey of Arizona as a political statement over President Biden's handling of the immigration crisis at the southern border.

Aside from plastering her face on national TV to blame others for the natural result of her actions, the Mayor’s been AWOL on the problem.

"We don’t see anybody from Mayor Bowser’s office here," Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network volunteer Isaias Guerrero told the DCist. "We don’t see anybody from the Office of Latino Affairs here to say ‘Welcome, how can we support you’ even if it’s with like waters," he continues. "People just want to wash their hands because this is seen as a hot potato. But what it should be seen as is an opportunity for us to actually create a model of being welcoming."

I’m sure the Students for Global Warming and the Invisible Ladies of Greenwich can do better.

UPDATE: Mikki sends along a link to a great article by Ann Colter on illegal immigrants

And then this: