Well what would you expect from a Harvard MBA and ex-Goldman Sachs drooler?

So, who is this guy? Slavitt has served as Senior Advisor on Biden’s COVID response team, which explains a lot, but wait, there’s more! It’s Wall Street and Washington at its finest. Here’s a bit more from his bio:

In February 2008, Optum [Andrew Slavitt, CEO] then named Ingenix, was the center of an investigation by New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo "into a scheme by health insurers to defraud consumers by manipulating reimbursement rates." On January 13, 2009, Ingenix announced an agreement with the New York State attorney settling the probe into the independence of the health pricing database. Under the settlement, UnitedHealth Group and Ingenix would pay $50 million. On January 15, 2009, UnitedHealth Group announced a $350 million settlement of three class action lawsuits filed in federal court by the American Medical Association, UnitedHealth Group members, healthcare providers, and state medical societies for not paying out-of-network benefits. 

So that was 2008; you’d guess that Slavitt would have been damaged goods after that, no? Oh, you fool, you.

The Obama administration hired UnitedHealth Group's Optum unit, of which Slavitt was an EVP, to lead turnaround efforts for healthcare.gov after a series of technical issues reduced stability and service during the portal's 2013 launch In November 2013, Slavitt appeared before Congress to address the healthcare.gov turnaround at a hearing of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce.

A February 2014 issue of Time called Slavitt's team “Obama’s Trauma Team”. CMS administrators credited his leadership with allowing the Obama administration to reach a self-imposed goal of providing fully functional Healthcare.gov service by December 1, 2013. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Marilyn Tavenner described Slavitt as a “key part of our leadership team to help millions of Americans get affordable health insurance in a whole new way.”

So, from fraud, to high position in the Obama administration, to serving as Senior Adviser to Biden; all part of the D.C. merry-go-round.