Right up there with the Dobbs decision
/it could put your eye out!
LA Dodgers have banned 79-year-old vendor Roger Owen from tossing peanuts
[T] he celebrity peanut vendor who can toss a bag of peanuts behind his back, or between his legs … has pitched peanuts at presidential inauguration festivities, on “The Tonight Show,” and in two movies and three television series in which his role was always the same: peanut vendor. His wedding guests included Tom Bradley, then the mayor of Los Angeles, and Don Sutton, the Dodgers’ Hall of Fame pitcher.
The days of Dodger fans getting nuts thrown in their faces are long gone — famous vendor Roger Owens has been banned from his traditional peanut bag-tossing routine … with officials deeming the practice too dangerous.
79-year-old Owens — who’s famous for his theatrics when delivering a bag of nuts to fans at Dodger Stadium for decades — claims he’s been told by his bosses to refrain from his signature delivery while walking the aisles of the park.
The reason?? Levy Restaurants — which is in charge of concessions at the stadium — believes Owens’ peanut pitching is a safety concern for spectators.