If we must have a liberal Democrat congressman from NYC, and New Yorkers insist that we do, this American Indian couldn't possibly be worse than the two incumbents fighting for the same seat.

down in his dumps?

As 101-year-old Jerry Nadler and 87-year-old Maloney are fighting against each other for their party’s nomination,and thus an automatic return to D.C., a 38-year-old Native American (hey, he was born in Mississippi) Suraj Patel is surging in the polls.

Due to redistricting, Nader’s and Maloney’s locked-in sinecures have been combined, and only one of them can return to the trough, while the other will be consigned to a still more lucrative lobbying job a hundred yards away. Except, the two of them are polling at an identical 31%, while Patel is climbing, from 19% to 25%. Would we be better off with him instead of one of these decrepit kleptocrats? Probably not, but he at least supports repealing the Jones Act, which has crippled American shipping since it was passed in 1920. That may not matter if his party achieves its goal of destroying the American economy, but at least his victory would spare us further sights of pants-to-his-triple-chin Nadler.

Esthetics are important.