Washington, D.C. has found a place to put all those otherwise useless college graduates to work

happy victimhood grads are off to their first job!

Court of Appeals upholds the city’s requirement that all daycare workers hold college degrees

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit threw out a legal challenge to this requirement brought by an experienced day care provider who lacks the requisite degree. Ilumi Sanchez has been caring for children since 1995, and she knows what she's doing. Yet like hundreds or even thousands of providers, she is about to be thrown out of the job by a completely unnecessary new requirement created by a largely incompetent district government.

In rejecting Sanchez's lawsuit, the appeals court preposterously pointed out that classes in literature and mathematics could conceivably be useful to people caring for small children.

The average weekly cost for childcare in D.C. is $419, highest in the nation.

There’s a good discussion of the court’s decision over at The Volokh Conspiracy, but the inanity of this rule probably doesn't need too much deep analysis.