Impeach Earl Warren! Or if he's not available, Ol' Dependables

it would certainly have saved the country an incredible amount of trouble if we had

Tomorrow Joe Biden is going to deliberately, publicly break the rules of the constitution he swore an oath to protect and defend. How will the Republicans respond?

Bonchie, RedState

… President Joe Biden is about to blatantly break the law to “cancel” thousands of dollars of student loan debt accrued by some of the most privileged members of society. Of course, nothing will actually be canceled. Instead, the government will simply be out that money, and the burden of those debts will be transferred from those who accrued them to hundreds of millions of taxpayers who didn’t.

It’s a disgusting, immoral move to tell a janitor making $40,000 a year that he must now foot the bill for college-educated Americans with far brighter employment prospects while receiving absolutely nothing in return.

[But] the biggest issue here is that what Biden is set to do is illegal. There is no federal provision that allows him to “forgive” student loan debt on the backs of taxpayers via the stroke of his pen. Nancy Pelosi is on record saying Biden doesn’t have that power. The Department of Education has said Biden doesn’t have that power. For the president to still attempt this move wouldn’t just be a pushing of the envelope. Rather, it would be a conscious, deliberate decision to commit an impeachable offense.

The million-dollar question then becomes what Republicans are going to do about it. Crying on social media is not enough. The coming Republican House (and possibly, Senate) must move to hold Biden accountable. That should come in the form of making the treasury account for the “canceled” debt and burning the university system to the ground via taxes and investigations. The GOP can’t stop there, though. They must impeach Joe Biden.

… Biden must be taken to the woodshed, and while he won’t be convicted in the Senate, getting all this out in the open is a win in and of itself. The lawlessness has to stop, and any Republican who isn’t willing to go all the way should resign.

UPDATE: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is also upset, but for a different, although more standard reason: they want more, to the tune of a trillion dollars.

"If the rumors [of a paltry $10 grand per] are true, we've got a problem”, NAACP President Derrick Johnson said in a statement on Tuesday. "This is not how you treat Black voters who turned out in record numbers and provided 90% of their vote to once again save democracy in 2020."

I’m sure Mr. Johnson wouldn’t object if the administration cut the total cost of that loan cancelation by limiting its application to just black people — other colored people, and certainly no whites need apply — but that would bring up that pesky constitution thing again, and even some Democrats might object. Might.