Quick Riverside contract

14 Terrace Avenue, updated since it was built in 1926, is priced at $2.018 million and I reported under contract today after 14 days. Given the low inventory of homes in SoPo Riverside in this price range, I won’t be surprised if it’s sold for more than that asking price.

It boasts 4 bedrooms, but just two bathrooms — those of us who grew up under such conditions still shudder at the horror of it all, and we will all, surely, extend our sympathy to any children who may be about to be subjected to this cruelty. Our own father installed a two-seater outhouse ( a cardboard shack with a bucket, actually, but it served its purpose, and provided shelter when the Commander shackled us out there during disciplinary time-outs) in the backyard of Gilliam Lane for the five children in the household, which relieved a lot of the pressure, but we had an acre-and-a-half to accommodate such a luxury: this house has less than a third.