Indoctrination starts on the first day of school: “Police have been trained to see people of color, gender non-conforming folks and Muslims as criminals”

Video shown August 23rd by Denver high school administration cautions and instructs students: Do not call the police if you witness a racist attack

Students at Denver's South High School were shown a video that explicitly warned against calling the police in the case of a racist or transphobic attack, claiming law enforcement officers have been trained to view members of minority groups as "perpetrators of violence."  

"Armed police presence often escalates, rather than reduces, the risk of violence in a situation," the video's narrator says. "Because police have been trained to see people of color, gender non-conforming folks and Muslims as criminals, they often treat victims as perpetrators of violence."

Rachel Goss, the school's principal, acknowledged the video was shared with students in a message posted on the school's website. 

"I am writing this note to emphasize that the intention behind the video was to provide empowerment for people who may witness these types of attacks, not to have any sort of negative impact on the longstanding relationship between the Denver Public Schools and the Denver Police Department," Goss wrote

"As Principal of Denver South High School, I remain committed to working with and continue to strengthen this partnership between our school and members of law enforcement. Please know that, as a school community, we are intent on ensuring the safety of all though partnering with the DPS Dept. of Safety and Denver Police," Goss said.

Watch all 3:53 of the video, then write an essay, 250 words or less (of course, because we acknowledge that math is a white, racist concept, you should make it any length you feel is right), explaining how it will not have any negative impact on the relationship between students and police, but will instead strengthen the partnership between them. Spelin, of korse, iz not rekwyard oar expektd. Reeturn it wen u feelze lighk id, cuz dedlines r allso a tule of da white debbils.