Well, the Constitution is pretty much treated like chopped liver these days anyway, so what difference, now, does it make?

But still …

COLUMBIA LAW PROF PHIL HAMBURGER: Can Magistrate Judges Constitutionally Issue Search Warrants Against Trump (Or Anyone Else)? “The problem is that Reinhart is a so-called magistrate judge. Many commentators have focused on his personal history and political leanings, but much more significant is that he is not really a judge. To be precise, he is not a judge of a court of the United States. The judicial power of the United States is vested in its courts. In the exercise of this power, judges of those courts can issue search warrants. But a magistrate judge is just an assistant to a court and its judges. Not being a judge of one of the courts of the United States, he cannot constitutionally exercise the judicial power of the United States. That means he cannot issue a search warrant.”