Dump trump

rope-a-dope: it’s easy, when The Donald and his loyalists play George foreman

If the mark of genius in a man is measured by the extent to which he agrees with you, Ben Shapiro is the (second) smartest man on earth.

Republicans are “cruising for a bruising” if they stick with Trump

Prominent right-wing media personality Ben Shapiro called on the Republican Party to ditch former President Donald Trump to boost its chances of winning elections.

The founder of the Daily Wire news site and the host of the daily podcast “The Ben Shapiro Show” suggested that the GOP should nominate a non-Trump candidate in 2024 to make it harder for Democrats to appeal to independent voters.

“There is a reason Democrats are eager to keep Trump at the center of the conversation: half of independents say Trump is a major factor in their vote, and they’re breaking 4-1 for the Democrats,” Shapiro tweeted.

“Republicans shouldn’t play that game. If they do, they’re cruising for a bruising.”

I’ve been seething about this for several weeks now, because the Democrats have absolutely nothing to campaign on, and in an election year when we should be crushing them — crushing them! — the polls are close, with some showing the Democrats actually leading. Why? Because their strategists are smarter than ours.

There’s a huge reservoir of ill-will against Trump out there, and the Democrats are tapping it by keeping Trump front and center. The show trial over the January 6 happening has worked at least well enough to keep Trump in the daily media monkeys’ feed; the Mar-a-Largo was brilliantly designed by Garland and “his” Justice Department to fill in the gap during the summer downtime.

The Democrats keep the country’s attention away from the party’s failures by keeping Trump as the story line, and, every time, the Republicans rise to the bait. Condemn the lawlessness and corruption of this administration, sure, but hit Biden, Schuer, et al on the other issues for they have no defense: inflation, the economy, our open borders, their attacks on our schools, families, and our country itself. Those points are being asserted, but every time they begin to gain traction, the Democrats pull the Trump card.

For all I know, Trump is out there on the hustings making these points — I don’t watch TV news, so I wouldn’t hear him if he is — but skimming the headlines, and hearing those one-sided ,10-second “news summaries” on radio, he’s still giving the media usable “Orange Man Bad” sound bites. I admired Trump, and appreciated what he tried to do, with some success, but his ego just won’t let him stay on point, unless that point is about him: the 2020 election, and now Mar-a-Largo. The Democrats know this, and are exploiting it, to their advantage, and to our huge loss.