Holly s..t. Cos Cob School's Jeremy Boland drops his pants for a pretty Project Veritas reporter, and it’s as ugly as you’d expect

(8/31) As this story unfolds today, ask yourself this: how would Boland be treated if he’d been caught saying he doesn’t interview or hire blacks, gays, or Muslims because he doesn’t trust their politics? Then demand the same treatment.

Cos Cob Assistant Principal Jeremy Boland caught by Project Veritas admitting that he doesn’t hire Catholics or even interview older teacher candidates because they may have conservative opinions, then goes on to explain how he and the teachers he does hire go around parents to get their children thinking Left.

UPDATE: You can read a partial transcript, including all of Boland’s damning quotes, at Project Veritas’s home page, here. (I’m adding a sampling at the end of this post)

UPDATE II: I hear that the video has gone viral, and our superintendent of schools is already being flooded with angry emails from around the country. Unfortunately, the usual crazies have been released, so some of those missives are abusive and even threatening. That’s not right, but these days, what is?

It should be an interesting news day tomorrow.

UPDATE III: Boland’s out, at least for now, and a new assistant principal has been named. According to reader “Tommy D6of11’ (? I have no idea, either) the replacement comes complete with an Irish name, a Catholic college and post-grad education and, presumably,, a wheelbarrow, but I’ll have to check with the Mickster on that last item.

Additional thoughts: I had initially assumed that this man would be protected by his employment contract, and that the best the town would be able to do is imitate what NYC does with its unfireable, bad teachers and administrators: stick them in “the rubber room”, away from the students and the school, and unable to do further harm. We could do that in this case; I’m sure there’s a nice closet available in the basement of the Havemeyer Building, but it occurs to me that we can do more, like fire him for malfeasance.

Boland has admitted to illegally discriminating against job applicants because of their age and religion. His real sin: subjecting children under his care to political indoctrination without the knowledge of their parents, probably can’t be punished, but every teacher over fifty who asked for, and wasn’t granted a job interview, and every Catholic of any age who was also turned down now has a viable civil rights claim under the Civil Rights Act of 1866.

As so many suits against us have shown, juries hate Greenwich and love sticking it to us. Worse, 1866 actions allow the rewarding of attorneys fees to prevailing plaintiffs, and I can attest from personal experience working as a young associate on such cases, that those fees can far exceed the plaintiff’s actual out-of-pocket damages.

And then there are the class action lawyers, who are probably already circling. An unpopular defendant, an employee’s taped confession (I imagine a smart lawyer can get it into evidence in a civil suit), and, if there are some conservative class action firms out there, a chance to strike a blow against the enemies of our schools. Hell, that’s such a juicy, lucrative combination, I’m tempted to come out of retirement myself.

 Boland affirms that any teacher who refuses to acknowledge a child’s gender preferences has no place in his Elementary School.

“So, if you have someone [teacher] who is hardcore religious or hardcore conservative, they will probably say something detrimental to the effect, ‘Well, I don’t think kids have enough knowledge to make that decision [gender identity] at this age,’” Boland said.

“You’re out. You’re done,” he concluded.

Boland admitted to the Veritas journalist that he discriminates against potential hires based on their religion:

Boland: I’m not a huge expert on religion, but Protestants in this area [of Connecticut] are probably the most liberal. But if they’re Catholic -- conservative. 

Veritas Journalist: Oh, so then what do you do with the Catholics? If you find out someone is Catholic, then what?

Boland: You don’t hire them.

Veritas Journalist: So, would you ever hire a Catholic then?

Boland: No, I don’t want to…Because if someone is raised hardcore Catholic, it’s like they’re brainwashed. You can never change their mindset. So, when you ask them to consider something new, like a new opportunity, or “you have to think about this differently,” they’re stuck -- just rigid.

And never trust, or hire, anyone older than thirty:

Boland: “For one position, I think we had 30 applicants. So out of all those applicants, I don’t think I interviewed anybody over the [age] of 30…the older you get, the more set in your ways -- the more conservative you get.”

On his “younger, more liberal teachers”, and their ability to slip indoctrination under the radar: