Exploding teachers' little minds, one classroom at a time

you go, kids!

Bafflement in the 5th Grade

…. One elementary school teacher on TikTok sought out advice from her fellow TikTokers recently after the subject of pronouns somehow just happened to mysteriously crop up in her 5th- and 6th-grade combo classroom.

According to the teacher, one of the students chided her for not referring to him by his preferred pronouns. When she acknowledged he was correct, apologized, and proceeded to ask what his pronouns were, he told her he was a banana and a rock. Though she scolded him for in her view making light of the concept of preferred pronouns, she indicated that the other students disagreed with her and agreed with him that he could identify however he wanted to.

This highly confused the woke teacher, who then pleaded for her followers on TikTok to let her know “is it” true that a banana and rock really could be someone’s pronouns?

And the rebellion continues to expand: