Dismayed to discover that their invitation to come live with them was taken seriously, Martha and the Vineyards evict their unwelcome drop-ins

(h/t Catorenasci, who first likened the process of passing illegals from spot to spot to that of “regifting fruitcakes”)

Less than 24 hours was all it took for the Vineyarders to inspect and reject them as NOCD — “not our class, dearie”

JIM TREACHER: Libs Can’t Decide Whether Martha’s Vineyard Is Good or Not. “’We’re in a housing crisis as we are on this island.’ LOL! They really can’t hear themselves, can they? Illegal immigration was fine when it was 10,000 people roasting alive under a bridge in Texas, but insert a few dozen brown folks into a liberal enclave, and all the whiteys run around like headless chickens.”