Music lovers, rejoice: the castrati are returning to the Vienna Boys Choir!

who loves ya, baby?

Remember, this is what the medical authorities and U.S. politicians now call “gender affirming care”.

Eunuch is a gender, says prominent pro-trans advocacy group

Men who wish to be castrated are a valid gender identity experts have claimed

As such, self-proclaimed eunuchs should be entitled to 'gender affirming care'

Controversial group includes many UK and US medics involved in gender care

Published in the International Journal of Transgender Health, the WPATH's new standards argue eunuch is a gender identity, and furthermore one that can require 'affirming treatment'. 

'As with other gender diverse individuals, eunuchs may also seek castration to better align their bodies with their gender identity,' they said.

'Like other transgender and gender diverse individuals, eunuchs require access to affirming care to gain comfort with their gendered self.'

This gender-affirming care could include both chemical and surgical castration and should be considered where there is a risk the individual will attempt these acts themselves if not provided, the authors argue. 

The controversial World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) updated its 'standards of care' guidelines over the weekend.

The 260-page document includes a new chapter on caring for 'eunuchs'.

The authors of the new standards, which include NHS medics and heads of UK trans charities, argue that castration could help some eunuchs better align with their 'gender identity'. 

While the body's recommendations are in no way binding, WPATH is influential.

“We haven’t had truly beautiful choral music since Italy banned castration in 1870 and cut off the supply”, Rolanda Sjingsong (xir, xem, squeaky) Biden Administration Campfire Sing Along Director told FWIW, “so this is long past due. And while it’s true that our Islamic friends are still producing castrati, they use the little boys as bedtime toys; we’re far more civilized than that. So sing, little birds, sing!”

back in the high notes again