Great Reset Leader Larry Fink praises soaring energy costs: [translation] "because the poor were placed on earth to suffer".
/“Because of the rising energy prices, we are certainly seeing the green premium shrink quite considerably. And so, the amount of investment dollars that are going into new decarbonization technology is accelerating, and accelerating very rapidly,” Fink said.
When Larry says “ the premium is shrinking”, he means that he and his co-conspirators are succeeding in driving up the cost of fossil fuels to match the hugely expensive propeller beanie stuff, and they’ll make more money. Half of Africa has no electricity? Middle-class, soon-to-be-former homeowners in America can’t afford to heat their homes? What difference, now, does it make? We have 7 billion people on earth who are surplus to the needs of our betters, so good riddance.
These people hate you and want you dead.