I wondered how long it would take to blame Hurricane Ian on global warming — not long, it turns out

elect democrats and it will be rainbows and gentle snowflakes forever after

Michigan’s Amy Klobuchar is first out of the gate, but her fellow charlatans will be right behind her; count on it.

Steven Morse, Red State:

I don’t need to explain to you, dear reader, that hurricanes aren’t something that was brought about by anything man has done. They’re a natural phenomenon that’s been occurring since the dawn of time. They even occur on other planets where there are no humans.

There are one of two conclusions we can reach about Klobuchar and neither of them is good.

The first conclusion is that Klobuchar thinks that Democrats legitimately have the power to stop hurricanes with “green” legislation and that should Democrats have total control of the United States, then destructive weather will become a thing of the past. As I half-joked earlier, this means that Democrats believe themselves to be capable of doing things that only mythical gods could do.

They can’t, and even if they did make the United States a wholly “green” place, they’d still have pollution spewing out of countries like China and India, which give no real indication that they plan on becoming green themselves save some talk. This makes Klobuchar and Democrats like her incompetent and ignorant.

The second conclusion we can reach is that Klobuchar knows they don’t have that power and is actively lying to you. They know nothing they do will change the weather but are purposefully telling you they can in hopes you’re stupid enough to believe them.

This means that Klobuchar and Democrats like her are maliciously manipulating you in order to gain power for themselves.

Of course, the official house organ of the Democrats, Politico, has already started in on DeSantis.

That was answered immediately by Christina Pushaw of course, because that’s what she does so well: