Yes, it's a bit over the top — who goes into cities anymore? — but it's more accurate than anything the Democrats are running, and more fun

but that’s not fair!

UPDATE: The group that made this ad, Citizens for Sanity, is also responsible for those billboards going up around the country that are driving the Left crazy. But, back on August 20, PJ Media’s Stacey Lennox made an important point: Clever billboards pointing out Democrats’ radical excesses pose questions Republicans must answer

…. [T]he billboards are great and pack a blunt message: Democrats have gone too far to the Left. Anyone who has been remotely aware for the last 18 months understands this. It is one reason that Hispanic support for Democrats is plummeting. However, and this may be hard for establishment Republicans to hear, it is not good enough merely to be less crazy than your competition.

Republicans need to point out the radical policies of the Biden administration and tie their Democrat opponents to voting for them or voicing support for them. Then, in blunt terms, they should explain precisely how the legislation and executive branch policies that this administration has pushed affect voters in their district or state. Finally, without missing a beat, they need to offer an alternative [emphasis added]. The end of Citizens for Sanity’s ad says, “Vote to Stop the Insanity.” The logical question for voters is, “How will you stop it?”

…. Being less crazy than the Democrats is not enough. Republicans need to make a clear bargain for America that sets clear expectations about what they can accomplish even with a Democrat in the White House. In November, voters hand elected officials political power. It is past time that Republicans get comfortable using it to reverse the direction of the nation, not just slow the slide into insanity.

Another commenter has pointed out that Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” was exactly such a blueprint, and voters responded. What a pity that the Republicans they voted in betrayed that promise, and went Paul Ryan on America. It will probably happen again if we put them back in power, but ….