Will Fred DeCaro and his allies win their fight to allow dark money foundations into our elections?
/I’m just doing it for good government
One reader assures us that the RTM will never do it, while others point out the progressive shift leftward we’re seen in that formerly non-partisan governing body. I’m inclined to side with the latter.
To begin with, we have the far-left Invisible Ladies of Greenwich to contend with. I don’t know how many of them are still on the RTM after winning 100 seats out of 230 in the 2018 elections — some have surely grown bored with our unwieldy system of government (God knows I did after just two terms) and drifted into new areas of concern, like pressuring our Board of Ed to institute a curriculum that tells the history of transgender Ukrainian groomers and their role in the founding of this country, but most of them are still there, and will provide a solid bloc of votes for the DeCaro plan.
Add in the openly declared Democrats, and it doesn’t seem improbable that the town’s going to lose this one.
And that’s not a good thing. The groups behind this “grant” include the usual suspects like Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, and the “New Venture Fund”, a child of the Swiss billionaire Hanjorg Wyss, whose Wyss Foundation has poured hundreds of millions of dollars to throw elections to the Democrats.
If Steve Cohen wants to donate $5 million towards construction of the new Eastern Civic Center and seed a few Mets into our Little League teams, God bless him: it’s off to Williamsburg for our Greenwich boys! If a lefty organization run by a man who was the supervisor of elections for Cook County (!) for 12 years offers us $500,000 as a way to get at our voting procedures, I say keep the Hell away.
Will the dark forces prevail? We’ll find out on Tuesday.