So, who won the battle for our town? It’s been referred to Arizona voting officials to determine
/hot time at central middle school: Riverside’s Bill Drake, RTC, (left) discusses rules of parliamentary procedure with democrat jonathan perloe
UPDATE: 9:25 AM: The vote to accept the out-of-state money was 104-101, with 5 abstentions from the befuddled, but there were protests from some members that their vote hadn’t been counted, so the whole matter has been “taken under consideration”, and we may see another vote at a special meeting, or not; stay tuned, and Arizona’s Governor Hobbes will announce her decision soon.
This is all great practice for the Democrats’ new early-voting law, coming our way soon.
Original post:
As of 1:00 AM, a reader reports, the Soros crowd had brought the camel’s nose into the tent by three votes, but there were still “issues”. Readers, feel free to update.
Wild night at RTM. Ironically there may have been votes not counted by the new electronic system which could change the vote from approving Fredi’s $500,000 bribe to rejecting it. The measure initially psssed by 3 votes. Stay tuned…
Late yesterday afternoon our First Selectman was located in his kayak by the Greenwich Marine Division and brought back to shore, where RTC members tried to force him to take a public stand on the issue. Showing the strength of character that he is known for, Mr. Camillo stoutly refused, and dove back into the waves with his dog, Spirit, where as of this writing he remains, treading water.