I'd also ask, where is the electricity?

waiting for go


DETAILS, DETAILS: A Mad Rush to Build More EV Factories, But Where are the Minerals?

If you hand out enough free money and incentives you can spur the building of nearly anything.

If people balk at buying the cars we will need still more free money to entice them to do do.

And then when the complaints come in there are not enough charging units, we will need to give away more free money.

Where we get the Lithium, nickel, cobalt, Manganese, and graphite to build all the batteries for the EVs without driving up the cost is a mystery.

Stephen Green supplies the answer.

Hint: There is no mystery. The plan, such as it is, is to price most Americans out of private vehicle ownership.

By the way, there is a source for one of those critical minerals, cobalt: it comes from Congo, mined by children and slaves overseen by the Chinese. Their conditions are no better than those suffered by the slaves used by the Romans in the Spanish salt mines who never emerged, and died after 2-3 years of labor.

go big or stay home