Walter Noel is back

waltzing off with millions. $100 million? more? he’s not telling, but he’s smiling

I saw a review in the WSJ of the new Netflix film about Bernie Madoff, called “The Monster of Wall Street”, and it sounded intriguing; almost enough for me to sign up for a one-month subscription to Netflix. Reading the review, I wondered whether the film discussed Greenwich’s and the Round Hill Club’s own, Walter Noel, and his part in the fraud. Apparently, it does, because over at Greenwich Time today, the most popular story is one on the suicide in 2017 of one of Walt’s henchmen, who leaped off a skyscraper in 2017. I’m assuming that the Greenwich Time’s reader interest is focused on Noel, not the tragic death of one of Fairfield Group’s executives, and that that interest was sparked by the current Netflix series.

So I’ll try it out — Walter Noel and, more importantly, FWIW’s Walt played such a huge role in the comments section from 2012-2015 that I owe our Walt that honor. Have any readers out there seen it? Inquiring minds want to know.

(By the way, you may want to compare GT’s story 2, describing the same Old Greenwich house I wrote about yesterday, to see how real estate reporting can … er, vary)