Because lying is what he does

Biden blames “sick insurrectionists” for murder of cop by Nation of Islam radical

WASHINGTON — President Biden on Friday blamed the “sick insurrectionists” behind Jan. 6 for the murder of Capitol Police officer Billy Evans — despite a Nation of Islam fanatic actually committing the crime three months after the pro-Donald Trump mob stormed the Capitol.

“Today is a ceremony to honor heroes of Jan. 6,” Biden said at an awards ceremony in the White House East Room on the second anniversary of the riot. “We also recognize the late US Capitol Police Officer Billy Evans. His family is with us today.”

“While they were still cordoning off the Capital because threats by these sick insurrectionists continued to be propagated on the internet — again, all America saw what happened when Officer Evans was killed defending a checkpoint you had to go through to get up to the Capitol because of these godawful sick threats that continue to move forward,” Biden said. “And the whole world saw it. It’s just hard to believe, it’s hard to believe it could happen here in America.”