It was DeCaro

soros comes a calling

First Selectman Fred Camillo has responded to my article yesterday on the town’s acceptance of a $500,000 grant from a left wing dark money association to "improve” our voting procedures, as follows:

Chris posted today that I signed off on the $500,000 grant that our registrar of voters applied for, but I never knew anything about it until the other night and never saw anything about it.

I just spoke to the registrar and he admitted that he never included me in any of the emails, so please have Chris correct the record.

The problem with that grant is I don’t think I have any control. The registrar of voters is separate from me and autonomous, but I’m going to speak again with Fred and get more background on why he applied for the grant and then accepted.

I’m certainly willing to accept Fred’s explanation, because our town government is indeed split up into all sorts of independent fiefdoms, and it’s not unusual for one branch not to know what another is doing. That said, now that it is known what DeCaro has gotten us into, the RTM or some group with authority over him ought to reverse him.

As an aside, I told Fred that I’ve never envied him his job, having to placate 60,000 residents who have such disparate, conflicting ideas and demands. All in all, I think he’s done a pretty decent job; I’ve disagreed with some (well, maybe the majority) of his decisions, of course; but he does listen, to everyone, and then makes his own judgment call. Compared to last “leader” — looking at you, Tesei — he’s doing alright. I expect some readers are going to disagree with that assessment, but that’s democracy.