Yet another opportunity to "invest" taxpayer money

with the encouragement of their new german friends, parisians leave for a nice, healthy visit with their country cousins

“Scientists” report that people who travel 15 miles and more away from home are healthier than those who stay home, and arrive at the obvious solution.

Jan. 4 (UPI) -- People who regularly travel more than 15 miles away from home are more likely to report being in good health than people who stay closer to home.

That's according to a University College London-led study released Wednesday that explores travel in the north of England, where researchers said residents face worse health outcomes than in the rest of the country -- and where many rural and suburban areas have poor access to transportation.

According to the researchers, people who travel more frequently to a wider variety of places are more likely to see friends and family, and this boost in social interaction is linked to better health.

The scientists said their findings, published in the Journal of Transport & Health, provide strong evidence to support the need for investment in better serviced roads and access to trains and buses.

Now, you might think that people who are too sick to travel don’t, but that’s because you’re not a product of modern education. I’m so old, I remember when our government thought that home ownership made people middle class, rather than middle class virtues like hard work and thrift made it possible to own homes. The government proceeded to “invest” in the poor by giving homes to lazy spendthrifts, and lo, 2008 arrived.