At least don’t accept the shovel
/Simply make them define their terms
This Is How It Is Done
DAVID STROM 5:31 PM on October 17, 2023
For too long conservatives have allowed liberals to define us.
…. Liberals give out talking points, the MSM picks them up and repeats them endlessly, and conservatives meekly try to defend themselves and lose the rhetorical war.
…. It’s tiring, and infuriating to see politicians stumble and fumble around trying to convince people that we are a bunch of racist buffoons who really do share the Left’s values, just not their methods.
That’s why I have been impressed by Ron DeSantis and Canadian conservative MP Pierre Poilievre. They refuse to concede the Left’s misrepresentations without scaring the average person. Trump is generally right about the MSM’s lying ways, but he tends to reinforce the center’s fear of him by using too much hyperbole. Most centrists find him distasteful, even when they agree with him.
Townhall (subscribe using the code SAVEAMERICA) just posted a great video of Polievre absolutely destroying a liberal hack without missing a beat, or even a bit of the apple he is eating.
Pierre Poilievre casually smacks down a left wing journalist while munching on an apple.
— (@townhallcom) October 17, 2023