Okay, maybe the last two times it was because arctic ice was growing, but THIS time it's because the ice is melting: Global Warming!

primitive eskimos celebrate atop their gray whale trophy

Demonstrating once again that they won’t get funded or published if they don’t toe the line, scientists are blaming a die-off of gray whales on global warming

Mystery of why more than 2,000 gray whales have died along US coast since the 1980s may have been SOLVED - and the reason is haunting

  • Since 2019, 688 more whales died in a mass die-off researchers 'did not expect'

  • Melting Arctic sea ice has cratered populations of the gray whales' prey species

You must work your way down the first two-thirds of this Daily Mail article before encountering the first sign of trouble:

Stewart's team found that the first two die-offs were closely linked to the seasonal growth of Arctic sea ice blocking the then-growing whale populations from their seasonal feeding grounds. 

But this time, it’s different, because the political climate has changed:

But, the researchers detected a new reason for the longer die-off event that began in 2019: melting Arctic sea ice has cut into the food chain that gray whales depend on.

And you have to burrow down to the very end of the article to find the money quote:

Nevertheless, marine research does see rays of hope in the long evolutionary history and intelligence of gray whales as a species. 

The marine mammal has survived and adapted through hundreds of thousands of years of world history, weathering Ice Ages and other environmental upheavals, meaning that the risk of complete extinction is fairly low.

'I wouldn't say there is a risk of losing gray whales due to climate change,' in Stewart's opinion. 

'But we need to think critically about what these changes might mean in the future.'

The average newspaper reader never gets beyond the headline — that’s why I know almost nothing about the Kardashians, the Boy Formerly Known as Prince, or Taylor Swift — and of those few who do, only a tiny handful read past the third paragraph. Editors know this, and frame their propaganda accordingly.