Houston, meet your Democrat candidate for mayor

Net worth, 2012: $941,00; 2017:$3,387,501; 2023: $8 million. Apparently, there’s even more graft available in the Houston Mayor’s office than in D.C. — Who knew?

Voted one of the worst people in Congress to work for — reigning champion Kamala Harris having left Congress, she is no longer eligible for consideration — Sheila Jackson Lee shows off her winning management style and respect for “Little People”.

The recording comes as Jackson, who has long been considered one of the worst people to work for in Congress, launched a campaign to become the next mayor of Houston.

Related: December 27, 2017:

Sheila Jackson Lee’s Long History Of Being An Entitled ‘Queen’

Sheila Jackson Lee has been a congresswoman for over 20 years. However, she acts far more like an arrogant monarch than a humble servant of the people. 

The Texas Democrat has regularly abused her power and position to demand and receive special treatment from private companies, demean and harass subordinates, and reap untold benefits of being “The Queen.”

When her abusive behavior comes to light, Jackson Lee often claims her opponents are racist.

Jackson Lee’s most recent abuse of power comes at the expense of teacher Jean-Marie Simon  who was allegedly bumped from her first class seat when Jackson-Lee demanded it. Simon was given a voucher for her flight by United and moved to the economy section. On her way to the back of the plane, Simon saw Jackson Lee occupying her seat.

When her abusive behavior comes to light, Jackson Lee often claims her opponents are racist.

Jackson Lee’s most recent abuse of power comes at the expense of teacher Jean-Marie Simon  who was allegedly bumped from her first class seat when Jackson-Lee demanded it. Simon was given a voucher for her flight by United and moved to the economy section. On her way to the back of the plane, Simon saw Jackson Lee occupying her seat.

In a Facebook post, Simon says she spoke with a congressman who said Jackson-Lee regularly poaches seats from other passengers.

“I was the last passenger on the plane. A Texas congressman, a nice guy, sat down next to me. He said was glad I had made it on the flight. I showed him my boarding pass with my seat, 1A, printed on it. He said, ‘You know what happened, right? Do you know who’s in your seat?’ I said no. He told me that it was Jackson Lee, a fellow U.S. congresswoman who regularly does this, that this was the third time he personally had watched her bump a passenger.”

In response to the accusation, Jackson-Lee called Simon racist, saying the teacher caused a stir “because I was an African American woman.”

Along with being a teacher, Simon is a celebrated photojournalist who helped document human-rights abuses in the third world.

This is not the first time that Jackson Lee has claimed privilege while flying.

A well-documented report from the beginning of her congressional service shows that Jackson-Lee would regularly demand first class upgrades and throw temper tantrums when she did not get specialty items and treatment.

Once when Continental Airlines did not have a seafood meal option in first class Jackson Lee reportedly had a meltdown saying:

“Don’t you know who I am? I’m Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Where is my seafood meal? I know it was ordered!”

Daily Mail reporter David Martosko tweeted his experience with Jackson Lee on an airplane flight on Tuesday, saying, “I saw Sheila Jackson-Lee on a domestic flight two years ago. While I was walking back to coach, she was throwing a hissy fit in First Class over why the steward had to gate-check her carry-on. (It was too big to fit in the overhead.) She threw a tantrum worthy of a 3-year-old.”

This is certainly not the first time that Jackson Lee has thrown tantrums when she did not get preferential treatment — and then claimed racism when she received bad press over the incident.

This vulgarian, this thief, has been the recipient of privileged treatment from the start: Yale BA, 1972, University of Virginia School of Law, 1975. And she still demands more.

Related — sent this way by the Snotty Philistine: