We've all heard of earworms, but "the itsy bitsy spider crawled up to get inside her" ? ... Nasty.

Spider crawls out of woman’s ear; hilarity ensues.

Desirae Kelly (@desiraekelly) of Farmington, Missouri, posted a video of herself sitting at the doctor’s office, where she waited to be seen for something stuck in her ear.

After the nurse took a closer look into Kelly's ear, the health professional confirmed that there was indeed something in there — and it appeared to be curled up in the back of the woman's ear canal.

… [Kelly] reflected on her "traumatic" experience, starting with how she awoke from a "dead sleep" at 5 a.m. with a strange feeling in her ear.

"I thought it was the tassels on the end of my comforter, so I went back to sleep," she said. 

"About 10 or 15 minutes later, I woke up again, and this time … I actually felt something move in my ear."

Kelly said she sat "straight up" after feeling the fluttering in her ear and decided to go to Urgent Care the next morning.

The fluttering continued, with some pain, the next day, as Kelly compared it to a "big clump of wax moving" at the base of her eardrum.

Once Kelly was brought into a room, the nurse confirmed that what was in her ear was not a moth, but it was definitely something "curled up in the back."

The nurse began to flush out the ear though nothing was moving. 

Then the nurse stepped back to refill the water bottle.

"We’re not spraying at this point, and I feel stuff moving," Kelly said. "I felt, whatever that was, crawl out of my ear … and I watched out of the corner of my eye something fall and land on my sweater."

The nurses confirmed the bug was a common house spider and checked to make sure Kelly’s ear was free of any remnants, including eggs, limbs or "extra buddies."

And just to punish you for reading this far, I’ll leave you with a genuine earworm.