NYT blames Toyota for terrorism
/Or so the former newspaper’s logic would lead.
NYT’s bumbling attempt to blame ammo maker for mass shootings
An A-1 story published Sunday, titled “Army Ammunition Plant Is Tied to Mass Shootings Across the U.S.,” chronicles the newspaper’s “investigation” of the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, which is located in Independence, Missouri. Built during World War II, Lake City is overseen by the Army’s Joint Munitions Command and has been operated by Olin Winchester since 2020.
Everything you need to know about the newspaper’s “investigation” is summed up in the story’s secondary headline: “In recent years, the factory has also pumped billions of rounds of military-grade ammunition into the commercial market, an investigation by The New York Times found, leaving the ‘LC’ signature scattered across crime scenes, including the sites of some of the nation’s most heinous mass shootings.”
In other words, mass shootings aren’t just the fault of the mass shooter. In NYT-world, the ammunition manufacturer somehow bears responsibility as well.
…. “The site was built for the military, but commercial sales are booming with little public accountability. Rounds have been bought by murderers, antigovernment groups and others,” the story states.
And not just Toyota: add chevy, nissan to the list of murderers