Happy Thanksgiving to all you colonizers and land thieves

No blogging for the next day or so while I and a band of˛brothers sisters godnoeswatts attend a Dirt Return ceremony at the local Penobscot reservation, where I will hand over a symbolic shovel of dirt to a collection of squaws in exchange for a wheel, scrap metal, modern medicine, and a light bulb. Then, after a communal sin-cleansing session in a sweat lodge to atone for the "tremendous distress to those who are still reeling from the trauma" of the Pilgrims landing in America” we will all sit down to a “Truthsgiving Dinner” featuring the nutritional and culinary diversity of Native American foods, one centered on the Indigenous perspective, and challenging the colonial narratives around the holiday, a feast of dried cranberries, dusty sticks, and pebbles. May your day be as joyous, and see you Saturday,