We're back, at least for now, so to continue, here's the latest Biden attack on our energy infrastructure

Court filings reveal secret agreement between Biden admin, eco groups seeking to tear down key power source

In another one of those “friendly law suits”, the Biden administration has agreed to tear down four hydro-power dams in Washington State to “save the salmon”. Those dams provide 8% of Washingtons total electrical energy, and “According to federal data, replacing hydropower generated by the dams with natural gas generation would increase carbon emissions by up to 2.6 million metric tons per year, the equivalent of 421,000 passenger cars.” but the economic saboteurs ruining the country have no intention of replacing their output; the Green Energy movement has never been about reducing CO2 or encouraging prospserity, it’s about deindustrializing America.

“They’ll turn us all into beggars ‘cause they’re easier to please”;

The Rainmakers were on to this way back in 1986

Give a man a free house and he'll bust out the windows
Put his family on food stamps, now he's a big spender
No food on the table and the bills ain't paid
'Cause he spent it on cigarettes and P.G.A
They'll turn us all into beggars 'cause they're easier to please
They're feeding our people that Government Cheese

Give a man free food and he'll figure out a way
To steal more than he can eat 'cause he doesn't have to pay
Give a woman free kids and you'll find them in the dirt
Learning how to carry on the family line of work
It's the man in the White House, the man under the steeple
Passing out drugs to the American people
I don't believe in anything, nothing is free
They're feeding our people the Government Cheese

Decline and fall, fall down baby
Decline and fall, said fall way down now
Decline and fall, fall down little mama
Decline and fall, decline and fall