What's sad — okay, not really — is that so many of their duped constituents were already spending the money in their little minds

“And one of them Obama phones, too!”

Forget $5 million payments to every black resident of San Francisco, the city ain’t got the money — duh. Now, they’ve just abolished the Office of Reparations that originally spawned the hoax.

San Francisco’s reparations plan has died, not with a bang but a whimper. As productive citizens have fled the city to avoid filth and crime, San Francisco’s budget is in crisis. Something had to go:

From hero to zero

[City Supervisor Shamann Walton] had initially requested $50 million be set aside in this year’s budget for the creation of an Office of Reparations, then narrowed that request to $10 million and ultimately secured $2 million.

Now, the $2 million is gone not only from this year’s budget, but in each of the next two years, as well.

Though it was readily accepted by the Board of Supervisors, the plan outlined by the advisory committee received some [“some” — snicker — Ed] pushback, particularly from conservatives in San Francisco and nationally.

The most controversial aspect of the plan was the $5 million cash payments it proposed to be paid to each eligible Black resident

The City’s budget deficit is expected to exceed $1 billion by 2027, prompting [Mayor] Breed to deliver mid-year budget cuts in what she called a “down payment” to help lessen the blow in future years.

Charlatans and poverty pimps, all. And, of course, they’ll be back, because their phony baloney jobs depend on it:

Washington Post