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More Democrats say Biden is ‘better’ than George Washington

In a poll sparked by New York City’s move to tear down statues of George Washington and Christoper Columbus, more Democrats believe that 81-year-old Biden is a better president than America’s first chief executive.

In its latest survey shared with [Washington Examiner] Secrets, Rasmussen Reports asked, “Is Joe Biden a better president than Washington or a worse president than Washington? Or is there not much difference between Washington and Biden?”

Thirty-nine percent of Democrats said “better,” 25% said “worse,” 20% said “not much difference,” and 16% said “not sure.”

Across the aisle, 12% of Republicans said “better,” 75% said “worse,” 9% said “not much difference,” and just 4% said “not sure.”

Rasmussen also found that 40% of Democrats approve of removing memorials to Washington, 21% “strongly.” Some 55% of Democrats disapprove.

By comparison, 78% of Republicans and 70% of independents disapprove of dismantling statues.

Just as frightening in its own way is the fact that 25% of Republicans believe Biden is better, no worse, or simply haven’t heard of the the latter. Our education establishment has done its work thoroughly and well.


Breaking down the electorate by income categories, those in the highest bracket – earning more than $200,000 a year – are most likely to say Biden is a better president than Washington, and most likely to approve of removing monuments to Washington.