Black Lives matter, but the futures of black children don't

actually, the entire maryland school system sucks, but the teachers nd administrators are well paid, and the kids are all benefitting from an excellent victimhood/CRT indoctrination program INSTalled in grADES K-12

Baltimore’s slum schools celebrate a record of perfection: not one student was proficient in math in 23 of its schools.

An additional 20 schools in the district had no more than two students proficient in math, Project Baltimore reported. Another three schools in the district, which are for incarcerated students and students with disabilities, had no students that met grade-level expectations.

Approximately 7% of third through eighth graders at Baltimore City School[s] met grade level expectations in Math in 2022, according to the Maryland State Department of Education.

Who are the racists here — Republicans? Baltimore has been run by Democrats for at least a century, literally: The citizens have elected Democrat mayors in an unbroken string since 1923. The voters may deserve what they’ve gotten, but why punish the children?