Bite the bullet: Luxuries, essentials, big and small, global warmists doom them all — for you

Think of the planet, damn you!

The Science™ High Priests Recommend Ditching Surgical Anesthesia For 'Climate Change'

Yes, they mean you.

Via The Science Times:

For the sake of climate change, researchers are urging surgeons to use less anesthetic on their surgical patients. Doctors at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan, believe it has the potential to drastically cut the carbon footprint of hospitals in the United States.

According to a study, titled “Environmental Implications of Anesthetic Gases” published in Anesthesia Progress, inhalation anesthetic contributes to up to 0.1% of global carbon emissions.

0.1% of global carbon emissions! Private jets emit an estimated 0.2% of global carbon emissions, but somehow those aren’t on the chopping block.

That’s because, as Bill Gates insists, private jets aren’t an issue so long as their users’ eco-hearts are in the right place. “Just as our bodily emissions smell like the finest perfume, and are actually quite lovely, our jets release only harmless unicorn gas. Commerical fights to visit your dying aunt in Kansas, however, are for the shits.”

Next to go? Residential electricity, I’d guess. 2025 will mark the centennial of its widespread introduction into homes, and surely, 100 years of environmental havoc is enough: it’s time to unwind civilization.