Himes joins his other two CT representatives DeLauro and Hayes in supporting "right" of illegal aliens to vote

In 2009–2010, the American Immigration Lawyers Association gave Himes a rating of 100% for his stance on the defense of undocumented immigrants in the U.S.[26]

(aside: In 2016, Himes called for the electoral college to “reject Trump and seat someone else”. Indict him!

Last week, the District of Columbia City Council voted to permit non-citizens and illegal aliens to vote in municipal elections. While Chinese and Russian embassy workers were pleased to know that they’ll soon have a say in how the District is governed, and Venezuelans in sidewalk migrant camps were ecstatic and grateful to be given the opportunity to direct how federal dollars should be spent on themselves, some Congressmen objected, and, under the rules of the U.S. Constitution, voted to overrule the decision. "Only Americans should vote in American elections," declared Representative Jim Jordan. Himes, of course, disagreed.

Despite passing in the House, the resolution must achieve a majority of votes in the Democrat-controlled Senate, so the vote was a non-starter, a symbol of the futility of trying to preserve the country when Democrats are in charge. That didn’t stop the former chairman of the Greenwich Democrat˛Patsies' Party’s Jim Himes from voting against it and going on record in support of his illegal friends and future voters.

The full roll call is here.