Don't trust a doctor under 50 — especially one from Harvard

you waaasist, transphobic destroyer of Mother Gia, you!

Following up on its lowering of admission standards in the name of “equity”, and changing the curriculum to include training in gender studies and white supremacy, Harvard Medical [sic] School will now require global warming to be taught in every course.

The Harvard Crimson reported Feb. 3:

”A Harvard Medical School committee voted last month to embed climate change into the school’s curriculum.

In a meeting early last month, the HMS Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee voted unanimously to officially add climate change and health as a theme in the HMS M.D. curriculum … The new climate change curriculum will examine the impact of climate change on health and health inequality, applications of these impacts to clinical care, and the role of physicians and health institutions in arriving at climate solutions.”

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The Harvard Crimson claimed that “climate change” can increase the spread of infectious diseases and lung disease, and added, “The curriculum change aims to integrate climate change themes throughout students’ medical school education rather than creating new courses specifically around climate change.”

Climate change will be a “fully curricular theme” by the start of the new academic year on July 1, 2023, The Harvard Crimson said. HMS student Julia Malits said she “hopes the successful push to include climate change in the curriculum inspires other students to pursue advocacy,” the Crimson added.

Since when was medical school meant to produce activists?

Sadly, this cancer of wokeness has metastasized throughout American medical schools and today, if you go to a doctor with any kind of ailment and are unfortunate enough to encounter a physician who “earned” their diploma in the past decade or so, you’re likely to receive a lecture on your white fragility and carbon footprint than actual, you know, medical advice.