It seems an odd hill to die on

MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS COMES TO an unfortunate end. The Count of Shrewsbury replied rudely:

'No, no, Madam you must die, you must die! Be ready between seven and eight in the morning. It cannot be delayed a moment beyond that time.' "

The Daily Mail Scotland’s Prime Minster Nicola Sturgeon’s rise and swift, calamitous fall.

Nothing particularly fishy about it, apparently; the majority of citizens wouldn’t her passion for an independent Scotland, and then when she went all-in on the rights of transgenders, including the “right” of a two-time rapist to spend his time-out in a women’s prison, the country rebelled.

I detect no strong demand here in the U.S. for Sottish independence, and I doubt many people would pay attention to a politician who tried to make it an issue, but all of the Left has tied the fate of the country to a tiny sliver of sexually-confused nut jobs, and that bizarre departure is so far removed from what the majority of Americans believe that it might finally cause the normals to wake up and reject the Democrats’ entire agenda of remaking the country on the image of a socialist, looney paradise. I hope so, anyway.

For some, the Sturgeon style became a source of much amusement. Prime Minister Theresa May was among those who giggled when told about the First Minister’s nickname, Elsie — given to her because, in Sturgeon’s world, it is always someone else’s fault. [There’s a president over here who deserves that sobriquet — ED] Over the past few years, however, to those of us who live here, that style has become more and more grating. Yes, Sturgeon was still popular among the SNP faithful, but among many pro-Union Scots, her increasingly divisive, hectoring approach — and her incompetent government — became as unpleasant as Alex Salmond’s before her.

She talked up the competence of her government compared with the one in Westminster, but then Holyrood spent £350 million on two ferries that, many years on, still don’t work. She declared that education was her ‘number one priority’, only to dump a keynote education Bill. She pledged to create a ‘national energy company’ — but there still isn’t one.

Most of all, she wound up the grievance, continually — and increasingly desperately — insisting that Scotland was doomed thanks to the great Satan in Westminster, certain that Scots shared her anger and fury. They didn’t.

Her plan to turn next year’s General Election into a de facto referendum on independence was a turkey — opposed even by some of her most loyal backers.

Then, just a few weeks ago, she had one last go. After Rishi Sunak’s government stepped in to block her government’s radical gender reform proposals, she raged against the ‘naked assault’ on Scottish democracy.

A few nationalists came out and marched. But, in a final humiliation, after the case of a male rapist claiming to be a trans woman hit the Press, polls showed that Scots were entirely supportive of the UK government’s decision. She had yanked her favoured grievance lever one last time — and it had broken off in her hand.

Sturgeon is said to want a job in international politics. It may be a long time coming.

And who knows where the Canadians will finally come down on the insanity of the Left? I’d guess that we’ll see two countries, east and west, where once there was one.

Transgender cannibal baby-rapist put in women’s prison near mother and baby unit