A few questions for our "Republican" Registrar of Voters Fred De Caro on that $500,000 cash donation from leftist groups

found outside the gates

The issue is back in the news, so perhaps the man who applied for it and is now pressing for its acceptance can tell us why.

1. Why do we need it? What is missing from our present system, and if there is something else needed, how much money over your department’s allocated budget do you need to fix it? You and your Democrat partners have boasted for years about the integrity and strength of our voting process; what’s changed now? What’s gone wrong? Have you been lying to us all this time, or are you lying to us now?

2. What’s your explanation for why this outside group should give so much money to one of the richest towns in America? Out of the 19,500 towns and cities in this country, why Greenwich, when so many of those municipalities are so much poorer, and could surely use the money more? Is it possible that “Greenwich” is a brand name, long associated with rich, heartless Republicans, and a takeover by Democrats would garner nationwide attention, while a Democrat victory in, say, Lowell, VT, population 857, would be ignored? Should we help these strangers in that effort, and if so, why?

3.Are you concerned that 100% of the members of the Democrat group Indivisible Greenwich, support this “gift” and have loudly advocated for its acceptance? Why do you suppose that is, and what do you think is their goal?

There are certainly more questions to be asked of you, especially concerning your motives here, but evading these will probably keep you sufficiently busy enough in this, your final term, to prevent you from finding new mischief to get into.