NoPo contract

24 Sunshine Avenue, 1931 home, 4 bedrooms, $1.535 million. That price was reduced from its opening salvo of $1.595 on December 7th, so it’s a fair guess that this will be going for aa bit lower than asking, but still, pretty big money for a modest house.

Mention of Sunshine Avenue reminds me that I owe a correction: a while back, I said that “all seven of the Kaye children grew up on this street”, and I was corrected by my best pal Jeremy that there were in fact nine of them all crowded together in the shanty. “I knew that”, I told him, “but I worried that if I gave the full count, people would mistake you for being Irish”.

Jeremy seemed mollified by my explanation, even grateful, but Joel, Jevera, my apologies.

Kaye chidren’s bunkhouse