For losing, no, but as an inducement to resign early, this might fly

of course, there are cheaper alternatives

British pols want a medal and six-figure compensation when they’re thrown out of office

MPs should get a ‘medallion of service’ and six-figure golden goodbyes when they get kicked out by the electorate, a committee of MPs has said. 

The Commons administration committee called for special ceremonies for former MPs and their family and friends, where they are presented with a medal by the Commons Speaker.

The report said rejection by voters ‘can be an emotional and traumatic experience’, and the ‘noble enterprise’ of public office should be ‘defended, encouraged and recognised’.

The cross-party group proposed a series of measures to cushion the blow when parliamentarians, who are paid an annual salary of £84,144, are forced from office.

And The Donald’s not the only politician who could benefit from this bit:

The report said the Commons should also provide mental health support as MPs felt abandoned and ‘hounded out’ of office amid a ‘brutal toxic political culture’.