It's been the Democrats' model since 1949

and even before that, long before mao raised his pustulant head from china’s dung-drowned rice paddies

Anti-Energy Czar Granholm: “We can all learn from what China is doing”.

During an interview at the annual SXSW conference in Austin, Texas, Granholm sang the praises of China for its efforts to reduce climate change, claiming the country is actually "very sensitive" about the issue, more so than the United States.

Which, of course, is absolute bullshit, and even someone as profoundly retarded as Granholm knows that: From NPR (!) March 3, 2023: China is building six times more new coal plants than all other countries combined. Two new plants open a week, and new plant approvals quadrupled in 2022 from 2021.

So, if it’s not the country’s devotion to converting to wind beanies and unicorn farts, what does the progressive movement love about China? The state’s ability to order the people to do what their betters have decreed. No dissent, no messy elections to threaten the man in power, just Good, Orderly Direction.

Like this:

Chinese leader Xi Jinping was awarded a third five-year term as president Friday, putting him on track to stay in power for life.

The endorsement of Xi's appointment by the ceremonial National People's Congress was a foregone conclusion for a leader who has sidelined potential rivals and filled the top ranks of the ruling Communist Party with his supporters since taking power in 2012.

The vote for Xi was 2,952 to 0 by the NPC, members of which are appointed by the ruling party.

And oh, how the Left does so want the China model applied to the west, good and hard.

Here’s one example of that, from The Lancet, October 20, 2020:

While the world is struggling to control COVID-19, China has managed to control the pandemic rapidly and effectively. How was that possible? Talha Burki reports.

On Sept 22, 2020, US President Donald Trump gave a combative address to the UN General Assembly referring to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) as the “China virus”. He demanded that China was held accountable for “unleash[ing] this plague onto the world”. Chinese President Xi Jinping, who addressed the General Assembly after Trump, urged nations affected by COVID-19 to “follow the guidance of science...and launch a joint international response to beat this pandemic”. He added that “any attempt of politicising the issue or stigmatisation must be rejected”. 9 days later, Trump tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

According to a July survey by the Pew Research Center, two-thirds of Americans believe that China has done a bad job dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is clearly not an opinion shared by WHO. In a press conference in September, Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme, offered “deepest the front-line health workers in China and the population who worked together tirelessly to bring the disease to this very low level”.

As of Oct 4, 2020, China had confirmed 90 604 cases of COVID-19 and 4739 deaths, while the USA had registered 7 382 194 cases and 209 382 deaths. The UK has a population 20 times smaller than China, yet it has seen five times as many cases of COVID-19 and almost ten times as many deaths. All of which raises the question: how has China managed to wrest control of its pandemic?

…. As the world's largest manufacturer of personal protective equipment, it was relatively straightforward for China to ramp up production of clinical gowns and surgical masks. Moreover, the Chinese readily adopted mask wearing. “Compliance was very high”, said Chen. “Compare that with the USA, where even in June and July, when the virus was surging, people were still refusing to wear masks. Even in late September, President Trump still treated Joe Biden's mask-wearing as a weakness to be ridiculed”.

Drones equipped with echoing loudspeakers rebuked Chinese citizens who were not following the rules. The state-run Xinhua news agency has released footage taken from the drones. “Yes Auntie, this drone is talking to you”, one device proclaimed to a surprised woman in Inner Mongolia. “You shouldn't walk around without wearing a mask. You'd better go home and don't forget to wash your hands”. In the UK, 150 000 people were permitted to attend a horse racing meet in mid-March, 10 days before the country went into lockdown. In August, 460 000 Americans congregated in Sturgis, South Dakota, for a motorcycle rally. [Resulting in 400 cases spread across 30 states, and one death — FWIW]

On Febr 5, 2020, Wuhan opened three so-called Fangcang hospitals. Another 13 would appear over the next few weeks. The hospitals were established within public venues such as stadiums and exhibition centres and were used to isolate patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms of COVID-19.The network of Fangcang hospitals, which held 13 000 beds, meant that patients with COVID-19 did not have to isolate at home, which reduced the risk of family members becoming infected. … [In english, that translates to, “people were ripped from their homes and forced into stadium concentration camps — Ed]

Alas, “Much also depends on each nation's conception of civil liberties.”

“In China, you have a combination of a population that takes respiratory infections seriously and is willing to adopt non-pharmaceutical interventions, with a government that can put bigger constraints on individual freedoms than would be considered acceptable in most Western countries”, adds Poland. “Commitment to the greater good is engrained in the culture; there is not the hyper-individualism that characterises parts of the USA, and has driven most of the resistance to the countermeasures against the coronavirus.” Poland noted that the Chinese accept the notion that disease control is a matter of science. “China does not have the kind of raucous anti-vaccine, anti-science movement that is trying to derail the fight against COVID-19 in the USA”, he said. [As an aside, we’ll just note that China’s home grown, “scientifically-developed” vaccine was utterly useless — Ed]

In August, Wuhan hosted an enormous pool party. There were objections from some foreign media outlets. The state-owned Global Times was unapologetic. It suggested that the event stood as “a reminder to countries grappling with the virus that strict preventive measures have a payback”. The newspaper quoted a local resident who back in April had feared he might be bankrupted by the pandemic. “There weren't even many local people, not to mention tourists. But now my business is blooming with the city having fully recovered”, he said.