Indiana School of Medicine uses gingerbread cookies to indoctrinate students in their compulsory "Sex and Gender" course

Students are taught that 'not everyone fits' into the 'established binarized sex as male/female,' which it describes merely as 'common gender types.'

'These are oversimplifications and BOTH exist on a continuum,' the lesson adds.

It also includes a timeline for how to treat a patient with "a difference of sex development," which begins at four years of age and reaches into adulthood.

That time line advises introducing four-year-olds to ideas about the difference between gender and sex.

By six-years-old, the lesson says kids should begin talking about puberty, and that doctors should consider having those discussions children in private.

Come early puberty doctors are advised to hold meetings with patients in private and to begin discussing transitions.

At late puberty the school says doctors should begin organizing transitions with patients.

It is stated that sex is a 'mostly biological construct,' while defining it as 'patterns of chromosomes, genes, and hormones produce common phenotypes but variations exist.'

'Some societies established binarized sex as male/female even though not everyone fits into those categories,' the slide notes.

The lesson then explains that just one to three percent of high school students identify as non-binary or transgender, and that between one and four percent of the population 'have intersex variations or differences in sexual differentiation.'

Despite those minute numbers, the school advises its students that in their future practice they should focus on using language that avoids any reference to gender in the name of inclusivity, which instruction to 'default to they/them' pronouns.

The school advises using 'person-first language' which 'places the person before a trait, condition, or diagnosis.' As an example students are told to refer to 'people' - not women - 'with cervices need to undergo yearly cervical cancer screening.'

In addition to providing cookies and milk to these gullible adult children, the course includes a slide of an article from the Scientific American to “prove” the validity of the new transvestite movement’s assertions. That once reputable magazine is nowadays exactly on par with this level and quality of modern medical school instruction.