This is exactly why I always advise clients to order a home inspection

#10: “Reptiles present?” “No”

Building inspector finds live alligator in new home.

North Carolina:

Dean Brown is a code enforcement officer for New Hanover County. He was doing an inspection at a 3-story, new-construction home in Echo Farms when he went to check out the attic and noticed a large figure hanging out by the air conditioner. 

"I thought it was a stuffed animal that someone threw up there as a joke," he told FOX 35. "So I just went about my inspection."

That's when he noticed the "stuffed animal" was breathing. It turned out to be an 8-foot alligator.

"I was about 2 feet away from stepping on its head!"

Brown said the alligator appeared to be sleeping until he shined a flashlight in its face, and that's when the gator's eyes opened. He immediately told the construction crew who were working on getting out of the house, but they didn't take him seriously. 

"They laughed at me! They thought I was crazy."

While two of the construction crew were eaten, and another lost his leg, Inspector Brown was quicker, and escaped to tell the tail.

ready for her afternoon snack