Learn a lesson? No, because liberals are incapable of connecting results to the ideas that spawned them

what happened?

Somewhat minor examples are CT’s utility regulators not only turning down a 27% rate hike requested by Aquarion last week, but demanding a 7% rate cut instead; or our banning the construction of natural gas pipelines and power plants over the past few decades, or California preventing the buying of new reservoirs since 1967, while the population has trebled. The laws are passed, the regulations drafted, and eventually, but inevitably, the population looks around and wonders why they have a leaking, crumbling infrastructure, no water, and no heat.

So they pass new laws, ordering that “only good things happen”.

And today:

"I've been begging this department to give the Mission what it deserves in terms of police presence all year long," Ronen said. "And I have been told time and time and time and time again there are no officers that we can send to Mission."