Our coming brave new world

the enforcement squads ARE ALREADY IN PLACe

Instapundit reports:

Ford wants cars to lock out drivers who are late on car payments. “If the owner still misses payments and doesn’t reach out to the lender, autonomous vehicles would be instructed to drive to the repossession agency, an impound lot, or a junkyard depending on the market value of the vehicle.”

Just a tiny step into the future, but a teling one. Very, very soon, “they” will be able to freeze, our bank accounts, shut off power to our homes if we exceed our allotted energy quota for the month, raise or lower the temperature of those homes, curtail our travel, erase books from our electronic readers, and silence all dissenting voices on the internet. The technology to do all this and more is already here, and rapidly being put to use.

Sadly, the sheeple will cheer as the oppression unfolds, and join the authorities in burning out the dissidents who object.