Musk schools Biden, exposes his (latest) lie
/Joe Biden must hate that Elon Musk took over Twitter because now his lies and those of the Democrats are not going unanswered. People are allowed to respond and opponents are not getting shut down in the same way as they were before.
Now Twitter Community Notes will call out Biden to his face (well, to the face of his account) and not let him get away with some of the nonsensical claims that he has been making.
According to the independent, non-profit Tax Foundation:
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data indicates that the wealthy in America are bearing the heaviest share of the income tax burden than in any time in recent memory. On the other hand, more than 53 million low- and middle-income taxpayers pay no income taxes after benefiting from record amounts of tax credits, and six out of 10 households receive more in direct government benefits than they pay in all federal taxes.
Translation? It’s the reverse of what Biden is claiming, it’s the bottom half paying that 3 percent number.
What Biden said even contradicted what the White House has claimed in the past, so he doesn’t even seem to be able to keep the lies straight. The White House has previously claimed that billionaires pay an average rate of just 8 percent, by trying to jack the numbers and include in unrealized gains. They said this in a “fact” sheet they released titled “The Biden Economic Plan Is Working” in February. You know with a title like that, what’s in it can’t amount to much. They also made the 8 percent claim in 2021, claiming the “wealthiest 400 billionaire families” paid an average of “just 8.2 percent of their income — including income from their wealth that goes largely untaxed…”
“Using the existing definition of taxable income, really rich people pay an average federal income tax rate in the mid-20s,” Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center senior fellow Howard Gleckman told PolitiFact in July. “If you want to include unrealized gains in your denominator, as the White House does, the average rate would go way down.”
Elon Musk wasn’t just leaving all the debunking to the Twitter Community Notes on this one, he also had a few things to say, based on his own experience.