Worse in some ways, I suppose, but had he won in 2020, 70 million Democrats would have refused to be vaccinated and, as we know now, they’d all have died. So there’s that.

How Anti-Trumpism Made the COVID Pandemic Worse

One of the common mantras of the COVID-19 pandemic was “we’re in this together,” and yet, sadly, we weren’t. From the beginning, it was clear that the Democrats and the media saw it as an opportunity to attack President Trump. The mainstream media hated him with a passion. Shocked by his victory in the 2016 election, they never stopped trying to undermine him and his presidency.

But by February 2020, Trump looked like he was going to cruise to reelection. Then the pandemic hit, and the media’s previous efforts to accuse him of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election were nothing compared to what they did during the pandemic. Trump’s efforts to help the nation and the world through the pandemic were panned by a media that was desperate to see him take a fall.

In early March, the World Health Organization claimed that 3.4% of coronavirus patients had died from the disease. “Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19… cases have died,” claimed WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a briefing. “By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.”

When Trump pointed out this number was false, the media accused him of downplaying the pandemic. He was right, of course. Two months later, the CDC’s estimated the overall mortality rate for COVID-19 was down to 0.26%.

Not that Trump got any credit for being right.

Nor did Trump get any credit for touting a possible game-changing therapeutic in March 2020, when he spoke of a study that showed hydroxychloroquine showed promise in treating COVID in small studies. It could have been a game-changer indeed, as the majority of studies have shown that it reduced mortality by at least 50%.

But, for whatever reason, the media decided Trump was evil for suggesting that the decades-old anti-malaria drug that was out of patent and could be manufactured cheaply could possibly help in the fight against COVID. They accused him of “practicing medicine without a license” and “selling snake oil.” How many lives could have been saved if the media took Trump seriously? I dare not speculate, but the war on hydroxychloroquine was relentless.

We were never “in this together.” The radical left only saw the pandemic as an opportunity to get rid of Trump — how different would the pandemic have turned out if the media and the Democrats actually cared about people and not trying to win an election?

From a DuckDuck search “Democrats refuse Trump vaccine”:

PolitiFact | Biden, Harris distrusted Trump with COVID-19 vaccines, not ...

Trump was publicly touting the promise of a rapidly developed COVID-19 vaccine as early as March 2020, when fears of a global pandemic were just beginning to flare, and said he was urging...

https://www.foxnews.com › politics › democrats-balked-at-coronavirus-vaccine-under-trump

These Dems balked at a coronavirus vaccine under Trump. Will they ...

When President Trump first told the American public that a coronavirus vaccine could come this year -- at the time he said possibly before Election Day -- Democrats including Vice...

https://thehill.com › opinion › white-house › 563771-guess-who-undermined-public-confidence-in-vaccines

Guess who undermined public confidence in vaccines? | The Hill

The administration is upset because, after his campaign discredited the vaccine effort, Biden over-promised what he could deliver once he took charge of it. He claimed that by Independence Day 70...

https://www.huffpost.com › entry › coronavirus-vaccine-trump-2020-election_n_5f60cc29c5b65fd7b8550ef9

Democrats Fear Trump Will Rush Unsafe Vaccine To Help His ... - HuffPost

Democrats are very suspicious of President Donald Trump 's big promises to develop and bring to market a vaccine for the coronavirus before the end of the year.

https://nypost.com › 2021 › 07 › 28 › smug-dems-have-only-selves-to-blame-for-vaccine-hesitancy

Smug Dems have only selves to blame for vaccine hesitancy

Jul 28, 2021Now this new vaccine debate has been amped to 11. The universal consensus of the "Powerhouse Roundtable" types is that it's time to start opening the cans of whoop-ass on the vaccine-hesitant,...

https://www.newsweek.com › anti-vaccine-covid-trust-skepticism-democrat-politicization-1535559

Anti-Vaxxers Feed Off Democrats' Skepticism of COVID Vaccine - Newsweek

And This, From September 16, 2020, Joe Biden:

"Let me be clear. I trust vaccines. I trust scientists. But I don't trust Donald Trump. And at this moment, the American people can't either," Biden said in a speech delivered at a theater in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, after receiving a briefing from experts on the development of a vaccine for COVID-19, a virus that has thus far claimed the lives of nearly 200,000 Americans.

And this: