
Brunswick School, Christ Episcopal Church to combine faculty housing with migrant daycare and Neighbor to Neighbor food pantry at the former Carmel Academy.

Four buildings on the campus would be converted to faculty housing, composed of six two-and three bedroom apartments, as well as 10 one-bedroom "ensuite" apartments (with a bathroom attached) with common kitchen and shared living spaces.

The migrants’ early childhood education will take place in three buildings on campus currently known as Dream Hall, Washington House, and Adams House, and to be renamed Ortez Hacienda, Duarte Manor, and Casa Guevera. The building and the chapel will remain unchanged and "carefully curated," the application narrative states.

Christ Church will now rededicate its newly constructed food bank building on West Putnam Avenue to Spanish instruction classes for Greenwich employers, particularly homeowners, who currently address their domestics and landscapers with hand signals and simple, shouted English commands. “That’s simply inhuman”, Christ Church Rector the Rev. Marcus Welby told FWIW. “Inhuman, and certainly unchristlike, who, as you know, spoke fluent Spanish and Portuguese, as well as Quechua, Guaraní, and Yucatec.

“Of course”, he said, chuckling, “we can’t expect our parishioners to learn all three, or even be absolutely fluent in one — there are so many charitable enterprises they’re engaged in, such as the Junior League, and our Tennis for the Homeless program, that the time just isn’t there. But a good faith effort, one that shows that they’re trying, gosh darn it, is sure to make our new friends and neighbors feel welcome, and on this the First day of April, the year of Our Lord twenty-twenty-three, it is meet and right so to do.”